How to Get Big Biceps: Your Ultimate Guide

  • By: Tony Miller
  • Time to read: 6 min.

How to get big biceps

Learning how to get big biceps is a common muscle building goal. When many people think about strength and physique, biceps often come to mind.

Big arms can elevate both your appearance and functional strength.

Let’s dive into the most effective strategies to build those big muscles.


You might be interested in this helpful article – Build Big Muscles


Get Bigger Biceps

best bicep exercises

  1. Don’t Just Focus On The Biceps

While bicep exercises are good, you need to gain muscle on your whole body to support arm growth.

Focus on a big back, legs, shoulders and chest, this will benefit with supporting arm growth.

Big compound exercises help build muscle mass. Such as deadlifts, squats, bench presses and pull ups.

Exercises like pull ups, bench presses and shoulder presses should be a priority into your routine.

A large part of your program should be on building overall muscle and that will help your arms grow.

After all, if you can do weighted pull ups for reps, your back will grow and hence your arms.



  1. Work The Triceps

The triceps make up about two-thirds of your upper arm. So growing your triceps will also make your biceps appear bigger.

Exercises like bench presses, chest dips and lying tricep extensions can help build good arms.

Moving a huge amount of weight for reps in the bench press will help the triceps (and arms) grow and look bigger.


  1. Use A Mix of Bicep Exercises

Biceps exercises


After you have your big compound movements worked out, now its time for some dedicated bicep work.

Use two bicep exercises, like standing barbell curls, or dumbbell curls into your routine.

For new raw beginners’ you might do one exercise like barbell curls. (3 x sets. Around 7 – 12 repetitions for each set.)

For beginners and intermediate lifters, you might use two bicep exercises.

As an example, 3 x sets of barbell curls and 2 x sets of dumbbell curls. (Around 7 – 12 repetitions for each set.)

You don’t need to do six different bicep exercises per workout. As you are also working your arms with other exercises like pull ups, bench press, etc.

A couple of different exercise will make sure the bicep muscle are targeted from different angles.

Bigger bicep exercises like barbell curls will stimulate more growth, then say, isolation exercises. (Like concentration curls.)

Good form will help build muscle. Don’t swing the weight up, or let it drop down too fast, control the movement.


  1. Fuel Your Growth with Proper Nutrition

Muscle growth doesn’t just happen in the gym, it also happens in the kitchen. (Also resting and sleeping as well, but you get the idea.)

Eating enough calories is crucial if you want to increase muscle mass.

Under-eating will hamper your gains, no matter how hard you work out. Even if you are following the best bicep workout ever, your arms won’t grow without enough calories.



  1. Protein, Protein, and More Protein

As well as extra calories, concentrate on getting enough protein.

Protein plays an instrumental role in muscle repair and growth.

Work protein-rich foods like lean meats, eggs, beans, dairy, and fish into your diet.

Greek yogurt, yogurt and peanut butter are also good ways to supplement your meals.

For more information, visit – High Protein Snacks


  1. Supplement with Protein Shakes

If you find it challenging to get enough protein from foods, protein shakes can help.

While protein shakes aren’t essential, they are a convenient way to get extra protein.

Use protein powder in you cooking and add it to cereals like – High Protein Porridge recipe.

Protein bars are another supplement to look into as well. Especially if you like the chocolate flavor.


  1. Recovery Is Crucial

Your muscles don’t grow during the workout but rather during the recovery phase.

Allow your biceps rest between intense workouts, giving them a chance to heal and grow.

Get enough sleep and rest for the best gains.


  1. Be Consistent With Your Routine

Building sizeable biceps doesn’t happen overnight. It requires dedication and consistent effort.

Stick to your routine, gradually increase the weights and resistance as you grow.

As we like to say here at AsetFit, there is no sense having the best ever weight training workout, if you only do it now and then.

Be consistent for the best gains.

Work hard at adding an extra rep, or some extra weight in your workouts.



  1. Monitor Your Progress

Record the weight you’re lifting. This helps to see if you are getting stronger on your lifts.

Track how many reps and sets you’re doing.

You can also measure your bicep circumference. This not only might motivate you but also allows you to tweak your routine if necessary.

The weight scales, tape measure and mirror can work in together to give you feedback.

If you are putting more weight on your stomach, then cut back the calories a bit.

If you are not putting on any muscle, increase your calories.  See also – How To Gain Muscle As A Skinny Guy


  1. Stay Hydrated

Muscles, like the body, need hydration to function at their best.

Drinking adequate water helps in nutrient transport and muscle recovery.


  1. Bad Supplements

Don’t rely on muscle building supplements to get you big arms.  Most muscle gain supplements don’t work. Or they have little value for the expense.

(We are not talking about protein or protein powder supplements.)

Creatine is worth looking at. But most, if not all muscle building supplements are a waste of money.


  1. The Big Picture

Here is a summary:

Concentrate on big exercises, do tricep work, get enough rest and sleep, eat plenty, get enough protein in your diet and you will put on muscle. If you do this, your biceps will grow as well.


FAQs How to Get Big Biceps

Get big biceps


Here are some common frequently asked questions (FAQs) in relation to getting big biceps:


How often should I train my biceps for optimal growth?

It’s generally recommended to target the biceps 2-3 times per week, ensuring adequate rest between sessions for growth.


Do I need to lift heavy weights for bigger biceps?

While lifting heavier weights can stimulate growth, it’s essential to focus on proper form. Start with manageable weights and progressively increase as your strength improves. Keep the reps around 8 – 12 reps in good form.


Why are compound exercises like squats and deadlifts mentioned in a biceps guide?

Compound exercises engage multiple muscle groups and help build overall muscle. This muscle growth can indirectly benefit the biceps.


How important is protein in building biceps?

Protein is vital for muscle repair and growth. To effectively grow your biceps, ensure you’re consuming adequate protein through diet or supplements.


Can I just train my biceps and neglect other muscle groups?

While you can focus on biceps, it’s beneficial to train the entire body for balanced growth, strength. You won’t build huge arms without a big back or shoulders.


How long will it take to see noticeable results in my biceps?

Results can vary based on genetics, effort, and nutrition. However, with consistent training, visible progress can be observed within a few months.


Do I need to use protein shakes, or can I get all my protein from foods?

Yes you can get all your protein from food. Protein shakes offer a convenient source of protein.


Is it possible to overtrain my biceps?

Yes, like any muscle group, the biceps can be overtrained. Always allow time for recovery and watch for signs of excessive fatigue or prolonged soreness.

Remember, as with any fitness endeavor, it’s essential to listen to your body, prioritize proper form, and maintain a balanced approach.


Why is it essential to also train triceps when aiming for bigger biceps?

Triceps make up a significant portion of the upper arm. For balanced and proportionally larger arms, training both biceps and triceps is crucial.


Can I achieve big biceps without gym equipment?

You can build good arms with bodyweight exercises. But for bigger arms you need a type of progressive overload, like weights.





Knowing how to get big biceps is a mix of the right exercises, adequate nutrition, and patience.

It’s more than just doing a few curls; it’s about knowing what to concentrate on and what to ignore.

With dedication, you’ll soon see those biceps bulging and feel the functional strength benefits that come with them.


Resources And Information

Best Exercise Bikes On A Budget